Polysingleish Interviews Franklin Veaux, Part 1: Being Poly
Franklin Veaux http://www.xeromag.com Franklin Veaux has been blogging about polyamory since the earliest days of blogging. As a result, his self-described ‘sprawling web empire’ covers a lot of ground...
View ArticlePolynormativity and the New Poly Paradigm.
The media presents a clear set of poly norms, and overwhelmingly showcases people who speak about and practice polyamory within those norms…. polyamory is presented as a hip new trend that edgy...
View ArticleHungry and Horny
mrrrraow? Oh god I’m horny. Spring is in the air. My sex drive is no longer hibernating andI’m hungry. I feel my body grumbling, looking, yearning, wanting. Yup, the low libido season is over. Sigh....
View ArticleValentine’s and Validation
“People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I think what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive… actually feeling the rapture of being alive.” ~Joseph Campbell I used to be...
View ArticleDiagrams and Discoveries
Emma is finally back home from her winter vacation. We shared a beautiful evening last weekend, our first sleepover at my place. There was so much to catch up on, I still don’t feel like we have...
View ArticleSeeking: Spiritual, Sexy, Sober.
I had a quietly transforming realisation today. I’ve been feeling exhausted lately- a combination of winter, work, wooing and wishing so hard for sunshine and summer and someone sexy to spring upon me....
View ArticleThe Compersion Conundrum
Compersion: Describing an empathetic state of happiness and joy brought about by knowing or witnessing the happiness and joy of another individual. Often used to describe the positive feelings an...
View ArticleEmbracing the Epicness
It has been a busy week. A week of epic proportions. In the last seven days I have: had an educational tour of sex stores with a well known writer of kinky sex stories learned that a tens machine can...
View ArticlePresent and Playful
As the words singleish and polysingleish begin to squeeze their way into the poly lexicon (hurrah! I am an inventor of words!) I feel compelled to offer a refinement of how I define being ‘singleish’,...
View ArticleIntegrating Intimacy
” Enlightenment is intimacy with all things.” ~Dogen Zenji I found myself smiling from ear to ear a few nights ago as ElkFeather and I caught up over a little chat on Facebook. He was all aglow about...
View ArticleSelf Sacrifices
So- what makes for a ‘healthy relationship’? Is it how much time is spent together? Or is it how that time together is spent? Is it the ability to match each other in physical desires, or a question of...
View ArticleLiberating the Libido
“I don’t really have a huge sex drive” The words sputtered out of my mouth like a confession at a twelve step meeting. I was chatting with my friend Claus. We had been talking about his own recently...
View ArticleCommunity Communications
I am really tired of all the poly forums. I mean, I love them for all they have connected me to, and all the wisdom I have garnered from everyone sharing, and heck, there’s plenty of forums and groups...
View ArticleBreaking the Boxes
Right now, I’m supposed to be working on my resume. It is about as bizarre and eclectic as the rest of my life is. Can I include “blogging about my sex and dating life” as a job? Apparently, I like...
View ArticleWorking the Willpower
The other evening, after work, I went for dinner with an ex. Any readers who follow my Facebook page would have seen my self mantra of “I will not sleep with this ex, I will not sleep with this ex, I...
View ArticleForever Flirtatious
http://kimchicuddles.com/ In July, this blog turns one year old. I started the blog as a means of processing out loud and sharing my experiences and insights into an entirely different approach to...
View ArticleExpanding Enterprises.
If there is one time of the year when everyone should flirt with being a teensy little more poly than usual, then Summer is that time. Sadly, I think my flirt muscle is broken. I’ve noticed that I keep...
View ArticleLetting Love Live
It’s Thursday evening. The windows are open and a warm summer breeze is drifting through my home. Natalie Imbruglia is warbling through my iPhone and I’m licking a bowl of mango-banana-coconut pudding...
View ArticleMénage à Matrimony
Alright, let’s get something straight. I think married people are awesome. Couples are awesome. Two people who make a life long commitment to one another, and stick to it through thick and thin: they...
View ArticleFlat Out Flirt Fail
Flat out flirt fail. Flat out flirt fail. Say it ten times really fast! Go on! I had an interesting vacation. In case you are new to my blog, I’ll let you know I’m definitely an unconventional...
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