Gratitude and Growth
Just over two years ago, on a drunken stumble through the streets of East Vancouver with an ex, I was confronted with a question I didn’t know how to answer, and the quest for that answer changed the...
View ArticleConscious Connecting
“Emotional mastery does not mean that you need to be in a state of absolute peace, equanimity, joy and bliss all the time. Rather emotional mastery is the ability of allowing yourself to full...
View ArticleFor the One-Night Lovers
This is for the one night lovers. For the chocolate covered fingers tasted under the stars. For the flirtatious eyes and dances amidst the trees. For the dusty kisses by twilight, and the synchronized...
View ArticleSelf Intimacy, Sex-Positivity, Shame, and the Resilient Edge of Resistence
“Boundaries are an essential part of life. They delineate and maintain needed borders and separations, making differentiation possible at every level. Boundaries both contain and preserve the...
View ArticleNavigating Non Escalator Relationships
aka “So, you’re in a non-escalator relationship- what now?” (dedicated to ‘Alexander’) The most common script that we follow in relationships is that of the Relationship Escalator. And that’s a model...
View ArticleRadical Self Reliance and Community Responsibility
“The greatest damage done by neglect, trauma or emotional loss is not the immediate pain they inflict but the long-term distortions they induce….. All too often these ill-conditioned implicit beliefs...
View ArticleThe Slut, The Witch, and the Solo Poly Woman
“Be wild; that is how to clear the river. The river does not flow in polluted, we manage that. The river does not dry up, we block it. If we want to allow it its freedom, we have to allow our...
View ArticlePolyamory, Trauma, and Unmet Needs: Facing the Hydra
Trauma The result of experiences that overwhelm a person’s ability to cope. I want to share something very personal with you- and I’m scared. I’m nervous that people may read this and project...
View ArticleTolerating Trauma
I am tolerating my trauma. As I sit down to write, anticipating the next session of the Good Girl Recovery Program, and reflecting on how my life has changed since I first took it three years ago, I...
View ArticleKeeping Up With The Joneses
I love Bridget Jones. If I had to pick three fictional characters I most closely resemble, she’s at the top of my list. For a chronically single 20-year-old at theatre school in London, Bridget Jones’s...
View ArticleSolo, Polyamorous, and Seeking Healthy Community
One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth. Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must be overcome again and again. Abraham Maslow We all have a need for consistency and...
View ArticleTogether Independently
“How do you explain to people that it is not true that you have a fiercely guarded heart? That it just feels like you have not had the space that felt safe enough to fully share it? To really let...
View ArticleSpiritual Paths, Solo Polyamory, and Primary Self-Relationships
“Honor your self, Worship your Self, Meditate on your Self, God dwells within you as you.” ~ Swami Muktananada Muktananda was a controversial figure, who had a profound affect on many lives, my own...
View ArticleFuck Yes
Today, this blog is six years old. Today, I share some recent reflections on this radical journey. ~~~ I said yes to marrying my boyfriend because I was afraid that my life was going nowhere and I...
View ArticleAll Good Things Must Come To An End
Love is not about losing freedom; it’s about sharing freedom with a partner who’s as talented a liberationist as you~ Rob Brezsny’s Free Will Astrology This post has been hard for me to write. Indeed,...
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